Diet Plan to Recommend to Your Martial Arts Students

As a martial arts school owner, you are not limited to providing only regular training sessions to your students. If your students lack the nutrition quotient from their diet, they may not be able to take full advantage of your martial arts practices. Coordination and balance comes from the strength which lies in a healthy diet. Certain techniques, kicks, and strikes require more stamina and strength. If you want to make your students perform well, you must recommend them a highly beneficial diet that the blog post talks about.

Quality Protein: Muscle strength makes a candidate proficient at jab and kicks. It also plays an important role for balance and coordination. Adequate protein intake is important for healthy muscle mass. When your students are low on protein, they may find problems with energy, power, and efficiency, and hence, they wouldn’t perform actively. Foods like poultry, fish, soy, legumes, Greek yogurt, chicken breast, cottage cheese, milk, and lentils make great choices for achieving complete protein nutrition.

Good Carbs and Fats: Carbs too make a great source of energy and general good health for individuals involved in physical activities like martial arts. There may be variation of carbs intake depending upon the requirement of one’s body. You can recommend your athletes for a higher percentage of carbs’ intake to benefit entire energy system.

Diet Plan to Recommend to Your Martial Arts Students

Vegetables, fruits, rice, whole grains, milk, and dairy meet the needs of this important nutrient in the body. Now, the fats! Preventing your students from having fats is a big no, until it exceeds a standard limit. Consuming too little fat can lead to muscle weakness. So, tell them aim for at least 15 percent of their calories intake from fat.

No Sugar: The diet high in sugar is extremely bad and a strict NO. It can lead them to various diseases and other problems that hinder their energy level. With a high sugar diet, they wouldn’t be able to achieve their aim of learning martial arts at your studio. Tell them to strictly avoid sodas, ice creams, sports drinks, sweets, candies, and anything too sweet. They may be taking meals with abundant source of sugar without having a clue. Get them known with this.

This is just a glimpse! The diet plan is vast. You may find it a bit difficult to focus on the diet plan alone when you have so much to do like class scheduling, billing and payments, tracking attendance, student enrollments, tracking progress, conducting tests and programs, and a lot more work. What’s the solution? You can easily simplify these processes and pay more attention to the health of your students with excellent martial arts studio management software. Quite a large number of martial arts schools have shifted their operations from a conventional method to martial arts school management software for saving time, increasing business efficiency, introducing new learning tactics, and more. With the software, you can focus on students’ passion and take it to the next best level.

How to Get Martial Arts Studio Software?

If you want to purchase a martial arts studio software or dojo management software, you can simply visit our website. Contact our team to give you a demo of our highly efficient and user friendly martial arts studio software – OnMat. Our software guarantees for high profitability by integrating studio operation, enhancing employee performance, and providing complete support from the experts. What else? Request a free demo for OnMat, today!

Excellent Ways to Increase Member Retention in Martial Arts School

Running a martial arts school is not at all an easy job. A large number of schools are there in the US but only a few are successful. Have you ever thought why? That’s because they pay more attention to member retention and student satisfaction.

Quite a large number of schools have found increasing success rate by following this fundamental. If you have a martial school and you are looking to enhance the growth factor, work on member retention. In this 2-minute read, you will come to know about some valued techniques to do it. Take a look:

Free Move or Rebate Works Wonderfully

You may be familiar with common human behaviors for sure. People are attracted more to free or discounted offers than anything. Work for it. Lucrative offers seem enticing to inactive people.

Some of the suggestions of creating such win-win offers is a free invitation for special classes, an invitation for a corporate event, limited free access to your resource, a thanking letter, etc. All these easy tricks will go in your favor and give people a glimpse of your quality services while encouraging them to join your classes.

Create Different Membership Level:

Try to create different membership levels to attract a dissimilar audience and create more active candidates. You can easily find out many examples of other organizations with a large number of candidates that follow this strategy.

These levels increase the curiosity of reaching and availing services you have in the next plan. Also, they help you determine their interests.

Excellent Ways to Increase Member Retention in Martial Arts School

Welcome A New Member:

It’s very important to keep in mind that every candidate visit or prospect is worthy. If you don’t pay enough attention or fail to entertain them, you may lose a good opportunity to convert your prospect. Make sure you don’t have Buyer’s Remorse thing with your services that lose the interest of your target people. Here are 5 important points you can consider for better engagement and conversion opportunity.

  • A Thank You message after a signup
  • Personalized welcome email
  • A complete introduction
  • Benefits candidate can reap
  • Overview with latest news/offer

Martial Arts Members Management Software

In this era of technology, people think of automation. If you have been working conventionally maintaining records on papers, collecting cash, communicating via emails, keeping track on attendance registers, you may be lacking the success.

You push people away when you are not updated. Besides, your trainers have less time to pay attention to their students due to other administrative work. Martial Arts School Management Software like OnMat keeps your operations fully automated and updated. Here’s an overview of what you can do with JIBASoft’s martial arts school management software

  • Online registrations
  • Profile creation/update
  • Online payments or billing
  • Better communication
  • A complete website
  • Full contact database
  • Access of financial reports
  • Streamlined business operations
  • Much more

You can easily contact JIBASoft to get a free demo of its most influential membership management software.

Ask for Feedback

Paying attention to only expansion and introduction of new schemes is not enough. You have to ask for feedback and further assist your existing candidates. This keeps you informed about those who need more attention and also the points you have to focus on. Ask for changes they need, how long they want to go with you, what makes you better, etc.

If existing members inside the school are satisfied, you may likely to get more referral candidates to grow your business. This is how the power of referral works to create a large student network.

These simple yet effectual methods can magnificently assist you to increase retention rate and ultimately the success of the organization you run. Sounds great? Start following these tips from today!

Financial Mistakes You Should Avoid as a Martial Arts Studio Owner

It takes business acumen and skills to successfully run and manage a martial arts school. Whether you teach as an instructor at your own school or pay instructors to teach members, you must know how to manage business cash flow. A martial arts studio is a kind of small business that needs to sustain strong financial health to avoid closure.

According to a recent survey, 41% of small business owners in the US use their personal savings and 30% do not have any reserve funds. Martial arts studio owners often make financial mistakes that affect their cash flow and even personal credit history. The #1 financial mistake they make is that they don’t use martial arts billing software to manage their expenses and incomes. Here are some other mistakes that you can avoid to prevent financial damage.

Martial Arts Studio Owner

  1. Not having a money-making mindset

Starting a martial arts school is your passion. It’s good! But you need to have a money-making mindset if it is the only means of earning for you and your family. Getting paid for the value you provide is as important as providing quality martial arts classes.

Some martial arts school owners often ignore the fact that they can sell something to their existing students to earn extra dollars. What to sell apart from teaching them martial arts? Organize summer camps, host events or tournaments, and provide them workshop classes to make your business as profitable as you can.

  1. Not structuring program fee properly

Martial arts school owners price their programs too low to attract more and more students. It may help you in the beginning but not in the long run. Charge what you are worth!

If your program fee structure is too low, it may diminish the value of your brand. Pricing it high can drive away potential students. Therefore, price it right! Charge members based on the value you provide. If you are providing a discount to a new member and increasing the price thereafter, you must elevate their experience with your school too.


  1. Not tracking payments and invoices

Running a martial arts school involves managing dozens of tasks. You have to wear multiple hats at the same time to keep your school going on a daily basis. And, the most important task of all is tracking payments and invoices.

From collecting tuition fee, paying rent for school space to preparing a financial report, there are a number of things that you cannot ignore if you want to maintain a good financial position. Use martial arts billing software to collect fee, automate recurring payments, manage invoices, and prepare reports. Get a subscription of martial arts student software that comes integrated with a billing tool to manage all the above tasks. This way you will save time on managing student data as well as keep track of cash flow.


A healthy financial situation can help your small school thrive in this competitive landscape. If you want to grow your school and earn in six digits or more, then have a money-making mindset, structure your tuition fees properly, and use martial arts billing software to track your financial position. Take inspiration from these tips and keep growing your small business.

Proven Pro Tips to Grow Your Martial Arts Studio

Scaling your small martial arts studio is a challenging task. It takes time, efforts, and strategies. Rapid growth will never happen overnight. The success of your school depends on the number of students you are adding every month. It also depends on how much you are spending on sales, marketing, and administrative works. But there are some pro tips that you can consider to keep your martial arts school moving forward and see it grow year-by-year.


  1. Leverage the Power of Networking

Networking can help you add ‘X’ number of students in your school. Interacting with the community and local schools and colleges helps you bring in more students. More and more people get to know about your martial arts studio when you go out and talk with people, organize workshops, or host competitions. Organize special anti-bully programs for school kids, host self-defense classes for employers near your school, or sponsor sports teams. This way people will start to recognize your school and they will show interest in your programs.

  1. Automate Admin Works

Do you know? Businesses that have automated their administrative works have strategic advantage over others who still believe in doing everything manually. Automation is the future and it makes sense for businesses of all sizes. Automated martial arts school management software helps you unify all processes in a simple dashboard and improve your customer service for your members. Some of the processes that you can easily automate include attendance tracking, email marketing, communication, billing, and member support. Automation of administrative works by a martial arts school management system mean more man-hours will be available to you which you can dedicate to teach students, less human errors, and better communication with members and staff.

  1. Start Selling Merchandise

Selling merchandise like T-Shirts, headbands, bottles, keychains, etc. is a good way to increase your school revenue. It will not only boost your profit, but will also increase your school’s brand awareness. If members love attending your classes, they will definitely share it with a large audience. Merchandise with your school’s name written on it helps in branding and will increase brand recognition in the community.

  1. Run an Exciting Referral Program

According to a study conducted by Goethe University, referred customers are 4.5 cents more profitable than other customers. Referred members are more loyal to your services. If your existing members really love your martial arts training sessions, you can ask them to share over social network or within their community or neighborhood. You can incentivize the referral programs for existing members by offering them a discount on their monthly fees or providing them merchandise for free.


These are just some proven ideas that can help you bring in new students in the coming months. Networking and referral programs are a great way to directly drive new memberships while automating your school processes with martial arts student management software would provide you indirect benefits. You will make fewer errors and save time, which can boost your connection with students. Selling merchandise is a monetization scheme that can add income to your total revenue. Follow these tips and improve the financial performance of your martial arts school.

New Year Resolutions For Martial Arts Studio Owners

Happy New Year 2019!!

New Year brings in it with a large number of opportunities and challenges. These all need to be embraced in such a way that the challenges no more seems to be a burden and help you attain the defined business goals. Likewise, every New Year is a natural time for businesses to reflect on their venture in the past year and plan and implement strategies for the year ahead that makes you come out flying with bright colors.

Taking new year resolutions for your martial arts management software can help you manage the members, can make you interact with the interested people in real time and can help you keep track of attendance and failed payments. It can also keep you updated about the skills and progress of the pupil. But how will this all be possible? The OnMat Dojo management software for martial arts studio can help you with all these tasks. It will help you save a lot of time, money and efforts.

Here are the New Year Resolutions you can take for your martial arts studio

martial arts studio owners

Identify the plus points of the previous year – New Year is both the “reset” as well as the “refresh” button. But don’t be so quick in hitting either of the two buttons. Prior implementing new ideas and strategies, do a quick audit of the previous year and identify what all steps and practices worked well and brought success. Once you know what impacted your organization in a better way, list them and include them in the refined list of strategies that you’ve planned for the year ahead.

Utilize the power of social media platforms – In the present time, engagement in real time with the existing and interested customers is very much necessary. This helps reduce attrition. Maximize the potential of social media by creating pages of your business on all the well reputed social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. The dojo management software has well integrated social media management tools which help in better marketing of your respective business to your members.

Strive for more membership management – The dojo management software for martial arts studio helps in keeping track and manage attendance. It helps you create reports easily of the individuals missing their classes. With billing integrated directly into OnMat management software, it becomes easy to keep track of the fee collected from the members. At the same time, you can keep track of the delay and the failed payments. The software also keeps your members connected to your business from the smartphones.

Make the OnMat dojo management software the backbone of your business this New Year. It can help you take analytics decision, allow you to register members online without indulging in manual work. It can help you schedule your classes easily, help with proper payment updates and skills management. Invest in the right technology for your martial arts studio and save time and use that time in teaching the pupils and brushing their skills for the best.

Metrics Every Martial Arts School Owner Should Follow

Running a martial arts school is more than just hiring trainers and regularly conducting the classes. You also need to take care of the membership registration, keep track of the progress of your members, and manage the expenses, collect fees and manage payments. To ensure that the business runs smoothly and earns tremendous profits, it is vital to keep track of data and payment as it plays a major role in the potential success of your business.

By using martial arts billing software such as OnMat by JIBASoft, you can track everything from one place, from accounting, customer relationship management (CRM), billing to rank management. This will help you save time and money, reduce errors and get a better view of your business position.

Track Your Sales Revenue – With sales, it means the earnings you made through new and recurring memberships. If the sales are high, it means your business is flourishing and you’re on the right track. But this information can reflect other meanings and trends as well. You should measure your sales revenue against other metrics such as Return on Investment, asset turnover ratio and much more. These numbers will tell you how your business is doing amongst other competitors.


Track Failed & Late Payments – Since it’s next to impossible to keep track of the payments, use martial arts billing software to keep track of the failed and late payments. You and the students will receive any notification in case the payment has failed. This service makes the member capable to correct the problem and resubmit the fee once again. Similarly, when payments are late, the software can send a series of customizable emails to notify the member.

Track Customer Retention Rate – When you keep track of the customer retention rate, you get an insight of the members who will stay with your business for long and who all are the loyal customers. A powerful, yet affordable membership management solution helps you with the registration process. Leave behind the manual hassle and instead register new members with the convenience of the iPad. You can also customize and sign contracts. Such technological facilities increase retention rate.

Go Social, Do Marketing – In the present scenario, if you are not socially active on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn you are somewhere missing out the marketing of your business. By being socially active, you can reduce the attrition via engagement with your members. JIBASoft’s OnMat martial arts billing software comes integrated with social media tools for better marketing your business to your members.

The martial arts billing software can help martial arts school business of all size – thus giving the owner the ability to teach their students passionately. With billing integrated directly in the martial arts management software, it is easy to collect the fee from members and keep track of the delayed, failed and late payments. This simple, cost-effective membership management solution is really suitable for your martial arts school.

Adopt These Ways To Help Your School Members Grow

The backbone of any successful martial arts studio is its members. The great instructors help create excellent students who then spread word of mouth of the quality of your school and the training you provide in martial arts. For this reason, it is very much vital to have martial arts school management software implemented to develop the sets of training as per the skills and goals of the respective students.

  • Skills and Belt Management – Well integrated skills and belt management helps your trainer to identify the skills that are required to achieve certain specified goals that the members are thriving to achieve. This helps them implement a strategy to bridge the gap between the two. Skills management is an ongoing process wherein members and their achievements are assessed regularly. This will help the members know where they stand in terms of goals. adopt-these-ways-to-help-your-school-member-grow
  • Make it Competitive – Competition in a healthy way is a great way to motivate and grow your members. This does not mean that the trainers become partial with the one and ignores the other pupil in the class. Maintain the progress chart, this will help you and your trainers to know where more hard work has to be put in. The chart can also comprise of the members who have won the belt, and have the number of private classes booked.
  • Keep the Students Motivated – Taking regular classes will not take you far. Instead, continuous motivation and encouragement can help the students perform at their best. Motivation can be in the form of organizing monthly birthday celebrations, rewarding the members who have had the highest attendance in a given month and so on. Open communication is the best policy to retain existing members and attract new ones.
  • Foster Their Growth – When your business starts to grow, make sure that both the students and the staff also grow along. Encourage the students to learn new skills from the instructors or teach them on their own. You can also offer extra classes to them at the same fee charge.

To make sure that you’re effectively managing your staff and the members, the martial arts school management software allows you to create different profiles for each member and the instruction. The skills and belt management feature helps you harness the skills and abilities to help the students reach their ultimate goal. It also helps you in membership management and in keeping track of the payments. You can also get engaged with the members in real time over social media platforms. You can also communicate with the parents about the progress of the team members.

An Ultimate Guide To Choosing Martial Arts School Management Software

You might be a highly skilled martial arts teacher but are you really able to passionately share the same skills with your students? Are you able to manage member attendance, class schedules, payments, and all other administrative tasks while teaching your students?

JIBASoft’s martial arts school management software – OnMat – can help you do all this and much more, allowing you to focus on teaching martial arts to your students with more dedication and tension-free.

What is martial arts school management software?

It is a customized software that allows you to manage your studio’s administrative tasks while at the same time giving you enough time to dedicate it to your students. It automates the tasks such as registration of the members, scheduling the classes, and keeping track of the payments. This all reduces the hassle of paperwork and entry. It makes managing your studio easier and also helps you save time and money.


Features of the OnMat Martial Arts Management Software

  • Smart Dashboard – The JIBASoft’s martial arts management software has a smart dashboard that gives you a detailed overview of your studio so that you can view all your active members, attrition rate, absentees and much more.
  • Attendance Management – The software helps you track and manage member attendance. You can create attendance reports easily, stating the number and name of students with maximum and minimum attendance.
  • Communication – With the help of this OnMat software you can not only send emails and SMS texts, but also it helps your students stay connected with you through their mobile phones or tablets.
  • Fee Tracking – The directly integrated billing feature in the management software allows you to easily collect fee from the members and keep track of who has not paid you yet as well as failed payments. Also it sends notifications.
  • Rank Promotion – This feature helps you define ranks, notify students about belt tests, promote them and do much more for skill management.
  • Member Portal – This martial arts software has a member portal to communicate with the parents of your students.
  • Social Engagement – When you’re socially engaged with your members, it reduces attrition rate. The well-integrated social media management tools in the software help you in marketing your business in a better way.
  • Amazing Support – A product cannot be called a good one if there is not available any support and maintenance afterwards. The team at JIBASoft provides 24/7 support to help you operate the software hassle-free.

Now when you have a brief idea about why your organization needs martial arts studio software and what are its features, go ahead and opt for one.

Why Sometimes Even the Good Martial Arts Studios Shut Down

If you’re an owner of a martial arts studio, you would probably be aware of how competitive the business is. As an owner, your main aim is to grow your business. This comes with knowledge of the industry and awareness of the different facets of running a business. With martial arts studio software, you can run your martial arts studio more effectively. It can help you save tons of time by easily managing your students, communicating with them and keeping track of the growth of your business. Here are a few reasons why some martial arts schools fail, try to avoid them!

Martial Arts Studio Software

  1. No Management Solution – You opened your martial arts studio and enrolled new members, now what? You have to manage the registration process as well as teach students and take classes at the same time. It can become really difficult to manage everything manually. Well, with a martial arts management software, you can automate and streamline each part of the membership management process including payments, automated billing, automated email receipts, expiring memberships, SMS communications, membership portals and so much more. It can be a powerful yet affordable membership management solution for small business owners like you.
  2. No Social Media Presence – Today, every business needs to have a presence on the social media platforms so as to directly get in touch with the existing customers or the future prospects. Promoting your martial arts studio through social media is a great way to get the buzz about your new martial art school spread. Social media interaction can be a perfect way to drive registrations and promote your studio. With social media presence, you can also reduce attrition via engagement with your members. Some martial arts studio software such as OnMat by JIBASoft has integrated social media management tools for marketing your business in a better way.
  3. Neglecting Your Finances and Management – It’s important to keep a track of your finances if you want to run a successful business. No need to be a financial expert to be a successful businessman, but you must keep track of the payments, revenue generated monthly or yearly, profits, and all necessary figures relevant to your martial arts studio. If you use the OnMat software, you can keep track of the failed and late payments, instalment plans, auto renewals, and refunds easily. When you integrate payments processing with the software and save your time and money. When you reduce errors and get an accurate view of your business’ finances, you build a solid foundation for a successful studio.

A martial arts studio software is the ultimate solution to all the problems you face when running and managing your studio. If you manage your everyday tasks, finances and keep your social media presence strong, then you will never have to face the doomsday. Search for the best martial arts studio management software and try it for one month to know if it will work for you in the long run. If it works for you, then use that software to manage everything and keep your studio running and earning profits.

How Martial Arts Management Software Drives Efficiency with Automation

Manually managing the administrative tasks and financial transactions of martial arts studio have become the thing of the past. Martial arts student management software saves money and time along with preventing costly errors. It also frees up your time so that you can dedicatedly teach your students which would otherwise be wasted on managing other tasks.

Automation can drive efficiency at your martial arts studio, so it is almost a necessity to have a software that provides assistance in business operations. It helps in membership management, billing and payments, financial reporting and analysis and skills management and belt testing. In the recent past, many studios have taken the advantage of martial arts studio software and are enjoying the advantages by increasing both efficiency and profits.

  1. Membership Management – The OnMat martial arts student management software is a powerful and affordable solution for schools of all sizes. The software makes it very easy to track member registration, attendance, expiring memberships, and manage student profiles. It has a membership management portal that allows you to send welcome emails to new students, SMS class schedules to members, or wish birthday to your students. Taking attendance manually is a time-consuming task. You can now keep track of attendance and generate reports using martial arts student management software. This will show you students with maximum and minimum attendance during a particular month. You can also decide what to give to your members as digital awards.Martial Arts Student Management
  2. Billing Management – Our OnMat martial arts studio software will help you to earn profits at the same time. How? Here you go! With integrated billing implemented in this martial arts student management software, you will not have to worry about late or failed payments. The billing software can be used to integrate accounting, customer relationship management (CRM) and other business applications with payment processing. You can also edit the payment items, and even generate financial reports for the year. You will not have to stress about or deal with any billing issues. Having everything related to transactions and memberships in one place is invaluable for studio owners.
  3. Skills and Belt Management – With OnMat’s skills management feature, you can better understand, develop and train your students in accordance to their desired goals. The software identifies skills of each member and helps you build a strategy to make your students achieve his/her goal. Skills management is an continuous process where you must access your members regularly and update their achievements on the membership portal. You can also upload training videos on channels like YouTube or Vimeo so that your members can access them through their portal, from anywhere, anytime.

The OnMat martial arts management software helps you save both time and money in the long run. When you have everything organized at one place, it ensures smooth operation, and allow you to earn higher ROI and stay on top among your competitors.