How to Increase Member Engagement at Your Martial Arts School

Martial Arts is a skill set of defending oneself in any circumstance. It also strengthens the psychological health of adults and children both. It improves focus and discipline, making it a better choice for parents to enroll their kids at martial arts schools.

Martial Arts isn’t just a defense technique, it is a full package of learning a lifestyle. And, this is equally important for martial arts schools to help society understand the benefits of martial arts. Schools should increase their efforts to reach as many people and share the importance of this life-changing art.

Every martial arts studio is going through a critical time of very low attendees, due to the pandemic of COVID-19. As we are not going to get rid of this health crisis anytime soon, you should concentrate on increasing member engagement to retain existing students and attract new members.

How to Increase Member Engagement at Your Martial Arts School

Let us discuss a few prominent ways here:

Tip 1: Leverage the Power of YouTube Channel

Ways of advertising services or products have changed a lot. No one can deny how the trends are in favor of YouTube today. YouTube provides a platform where you can target the exact audience as it categorizes the viewers on the basis of age, gender, parental status, interests, and so on. Your martial arts school should also take advantage of the world’s largest video network – YouTube. The coolest way to reach out to your members is to upload your informative videos on the YouTube channel.

Tip 2: Conduct Remote Training

Secondly, school owners can take the privilege of remote training technology software. Through this software, your regular training classes can be operational on a remote basis. A remote training application can be installed on any device where students and instructors can engage in real-time and follow the training sessions online. A variety of features are available for both the host & the guests. You can run your online sessions at your ease.

Tip 3: Live Stream on Facebook/Insta and Conduct Challenges

As a school owner, you should share your training sessions & other informative videos on Facebook & Instagram. You will not sustain in the competition if you are not holding a Facebook/Instagram account. Follow the practice of sharing the videos and information through your business accounts on Facebook & Instagram. Currently, there is a growing trendof sharing challenges on these social platforms. You can put a challenge for the viewers by performing some tasks and upload the videos. These challenges encourage the viewers to get engaged with your services.

Tip 4: Provide Tips to Stay Active through Mail

Try to build a relationship with your students and this could be done by keeping in touch with them through emails. Never forget to share the required tips to stay active with your students via Newsletter, eBook, or articles. Maintain a caring relation by sharing emails regularly and ask them for their feedback.

Tip 5: Tell Members How Youre Providing a Safe Environment

As the pandemic of Covid-19 is spreading its feet, social life is shrinking. Martial Arts schools are reopening but not at full capacity. You should offer a safe environment to students and follow all government guidelines if you’re reopening your studio. Tell your members what measures you’re taking to improve their safety and support their health at school. At JIBASoft, we’re helping you with our OnMat martial arts school management software where the students can check-in remotely. As an admin, you can define if your classes will be offered “Onsite” and/or “Virtual” in OnMat Calendar. You can send notifications to students who will be eligible for a particular class.


The current health crisis due to COVID-19 is disturbing the physical and mental peace of every individual. And we can understand how impactful it is for the kids who are just advised to remain at home all the time. No one knows how long the situation will remain the same. Instead of letting your children or yourself play games online or watching videos all the time, get your kids and yourself to attend the online training sessions that will enhance your and their confidence, focus, and self-defense skills and reduce stress.

JIBASoft is offering OnMat martial arts studio software for school owners who are looking for ways to manage their members, both on-site and remotely. Our martial arts school management software is easy to use and feature-rich. OnMat will help you to run smooth online operations for the classes.

Martial Arts School: Best Methods to Digitize Your Business

Martial arts has become more popular in the last few years. This has led to an increase in the number of martial arts studios and the competition as well. Apart from everything, using digitization helps you to save money and increase efficiency for better executions. It offers your target customers a better experience and greater quality of services. Here, the article talks about some very popular and also very effective methods to digitize your business for better growth and functions. Take a look:

Leadership through Content: Your words are among the most powerful techniques you can use to derive your purpose. It helps you to reach more people through an authoritative voice and let them trust your brand for making the right decision about their subscription. You can easily find an expert content marketing company to bring the most from expert thought leadership services to carve a unique and memorable position in the market. This would also benefit you in creating the right image for your business.

Martial Arts Members Management Software

Increased Digital Presence: In today’s world of digitization, it’s important to have a unique online presence to get identified by people you want to target for the venture. Many martial arts studios around the world invest a huge amount in digital marketing to build their presence on popular social media channels including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Tumblr, etc. and search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Through all these means, digital marketing services increase traffic for your website, increase engagement, and improve conversion for a better return on investment.

Martial Arts School Management Software: Martial arts software has become a trend among popular studios. It allows you to manage business operations effortlessly and from a single dashboard. The software comes with twofold advantages for your staff and students. Some key features of the software also known as martial arts members management software includes attendance tracking, integrated billing, data streamlining, registration, auto-renewal, skills management process, pictures & videos, curriculum,  AR snapshots, settlement reports, security & privacy of data, CRM, and much more.

JIBASoft is known for providing high-quality martial arts students management software. Our OnMat software gives you access to enormously beneficial and advanced features to run martial arts studios successfully.

Use of Referral Programs: You can connect more students by benefiting your current students by running a referral program. They will help you to get more referral students to grow your business. This is how a referral program can work for you to create a large student network. Besides, it would give you a glimpse of student retention rates or the number of students happy with your services. Reward your existing students by rewarding them for every referral. The technique would surely bring you more students.

All these efforts bring you more feasibility. With all these techniques, you will be able to leverage the benefits of a digitized venture. Sounds great? Start following these tips from today!

A Few Best Ways to Make Your Martial Arts School Profitable

Making a martial arts school profitable is the top priority of every business owner. Your efforts are useless and waste of time if you are unable to direct them in the right way. In this highly competitive era, you need to consider smart techniques to grow your organization.

You have opened a martial arts school because martial arts is your passion and you should make every little effort count for positive evolution. The article talks about some simple yet important methods that you can consider to accelerate financial growth. Take a look-

Be Specific About the Tuition Structures:

If you have recently opened your school, you may be struggling with finances for sure. Paying rent, loans, salaries, and meeting basic expenditures, on the initial level of your business, is hard-to-do. That does not need to discourage you. You can deal with the problem by choosing the right tuition structure for your school. All you have to do is to write down your monthly expenses, the total amount of money you need to earn a little profit, the number of students required to cover all these spendings, and a great marketing plan to register at least one student every day. Make this an essential activity and strictly follow this monthly.

A Few Best Ways to Make Your Martial Arts School Profitable

Hire Experienced And Reputable Instructors:

An instructor is like an investment. If you don’t have good instructors to guide your students, you don’t have a good investment plan to benefit your business. Many martial arts schools leave their journeys in half because they don’t pay enough attention to the hiring of instructors. You may be one among them.

It’s time to make a change and hire instructors who are well qualified and dedicated to their work. These instructors should have proof of their education, experience, and achievements.  These kinds of instructors do a great job on behalf of you and make your business progressive.

Choose An Effective Marketing Plan:

This is one of the major requirements you must work on. Without a strategic marketing plan, you don’t have anything to attract your target audience. Many martial arts schools spend a significant amount on marketing programs to increase their engagement, visibility, interaction, prospects, and ultimately the customers. An attractive website, online social presence, local search marketing, and paid campaigns can bring noticeable results in a few months. Hire an experienced marketing company to help you with a deliberate advertisement.

Choose The Right Kind of Management Software: 

One of the major reasons behind a little or no profit can be a lack of technological involvement in operational activities. Martial arts school management software can help you with different requirements. Many famous martial arts studio owners buy these martial arts school management systems to streamline their functions. A reliable software allows you to do a number of tasks such as online booking, staff management, advanced reporting, invoicing, marketing, and a lot more. Focus more on purchasing martial arts billing software like OnMat that works wonderfully on your needs.

By practicing these skillful techniques, you can start noticing the progress and take your martial arts to the next level of success. Good Luck!

Martial Arts Management Software to Save Time & Efforts

Saying that the era of today is the era of extreme competition would not be wrong in any way. Today, a business needs to adapt to the advanced methodology to stay ahead in the market. If you don’t want to be in the rat–race, think about changing the way of doing your business. These days martial arts school management software is highly recommended by popular martial arts studios. Here, the article gives brief information about the time-saving and effort-saving benefits of the software for your martial arts studios.

What Is Martial Arts School Management Software?

The software can be considered an all-in-one tool to simplify administrative tasks in a great way. You can streamline the tasks to save a huge amount of time, money, and hassles. Communication system, website builder, booking system, payment system, event platform, and many other rewarding features make the software an ideal choice for a large number of schools. It serves the main purpose of managing your dojo quite efficiently.

Martial Arts Management Software for save time & money

How Can The Martial Arts School Software Help A Business?

  • You don’t need to involve in the manual process of completing the paperwork for registration. The software comes with the feature of quick registration. You can sign up students, customize the registration plan, take payments, and do a lot more things in just a few minutes.
  • You can notify the members by sending them email reminders about the expiration of their membership. You can use customizable series to remind the candidate with a different message.
  • With the software, you can create a member profile in a more defined way like you can use the in-built camera of the iPad or the pictures from Gallery to create unique profiles of your members in just a few minutes. Get rid of the workload of paperwork.
  • The tool works as highly purposeful and resourceful martial arts billing software to eliminate manual involvement for maintaining payment records of your members. So, it provides more accurate and precise payment records. It was never so easy to set up membership before. Auto-renewal, installment plans, auto-pay, direct deposit, refund, receipts, late payments, a snapshot of income, settlement reports, etc. are a few features of a martial art software like OnMat.
  • Skill management is an ongoing process for a martial arts studio. Martial arts school management software lets you work on skills and belt management in a quite efficient way. Your members can easily access your library of videos anywhere to develop better martial arts skills. This excludes the need of explanation for the same stage again and again. You can measure the progress to do the job of belt management in the right way.
  • You can integrate your social media profiles with software like OnMat profile to let people know about your events, programs, management, and progress. The feature can help you strategically to bring new potential members with fewer efforts. So, you don’t need to pay a huge amount and time for marketing your services.

With the exclusive features of the martial arts billing software or martial arts school management, you can achieve your goals, save a lot of time, and increase the returns on your investment. The OnMat software from JIBASoft encompasses all the aforementioned features. It is simply the best choice for your studio. Get it now!

Diet Plan to Recommend to Your Martial Arts Students

As a martial arts school owner, you are not limited to providing only regular training sessions to your students. If your students lack the nutrition quotient from their diet, they may not be able to take full advantage of your martial arts practices. Coordination and balance comes from the strength which lies in a healthy diet. Certain techniques, kicks, and strikes require more stamina and strength. If you want to make your students perform well, you must recommend them a highly beneficial diet that the blog post talks about.

Quality Protein: Muscle strength makes a candidate proficient at jab and kicks. It also plays an important role for balance and coordination. Adequate protein intake is important for healthy muscle mass. When your students are low on protein, they may find problems with energy, power, and efficiency, and hence, they wouldn’t perform actively. Foods like poultry, fish, soy, legumes, Greek yogurt, chicken breast, cottage cheese, milk, and lentils make great choices for achieving complete protein nutrition.

Good Carbs and Fats: Carbs too make a great source of energy and general good health for individuals involved in physical activities like martial arts. There may be variation of carbs intake depending upon the requirement of one’s body. You can recommend your athletes for a higher percentage of carbs’ intake to benefit entire energy system.

Diet Plan to Recommend to Your Martial Arts Students

Vegetables, fruits, rice, whole grains, milk, and dairy meet the needs of this important nutrient in the body. Now, the fats! Preventing your students from having fats is a big no, until it exceeds a standard limit. Consuming too little fat can lead to muscle weakness. So, tell them aim for at least 15 percent of their calories intake from fat.

No Sugar: The diet high in sugar is extremely bad and a strict NO. It can lead them to various diseases and other problems that hinder their energy level. With a high sugar diet, they wouldn’t be able to achieve their aim of learning martial arts at your studio. Tell them to strictly avoid sodas, ice creams, sports drinks, sweets, candies, and anything too sweet. They may be taking meals with abundant source of sugar without having a clue. Get them known with this.

This is just a glimpse! The diet plan is vast. You may find it a bit difficult to focus on the diet plan alone when you have so much to do like class scheduling, billing and payments, tracking attendance, student enrollments, tracking progress, conducting tests and programs, and a lot more work. What’s the solution? You can easily simplify these processes and pay more attention to the health of your students with excellent martial arts studio management software. Quite a large number of martial arts schools have shifted their operations from a conventional method to martial arts school management software for saving time, increasing business efficiency, introducing new learning tactics, and more. With the software, you can focus on students’ passion and take it to the next best level.

How to Get Martial Arts Studio Software?

If you want to purchase a martial arts studio software or dojo management software, you can simply visit our website. Contact our team to give you a demo of our highly efficient and user friendly martial arts studio software – OnMat. Our software guarantees for high profitability by integrating studio operation, enhancing employee performance, and providing complete support from the experts. What else? Request a free demo for OnMat, today!