An Ultimate Guide To Choosing Martial Arts School Management Software

You might be a highly skilled martial arts teacher but are you really able to passionately share the same skills with your students? Are you able to manage member attendance, class schedules, payments, and all other administrative tasks while teaching your students?

JIBASoft’s martial arts school management software – OnMat – can help you do all this and much more, allowing you to focus on teaching martial arts to your students with more dedication and tension-free.

What is martial arts school management software?

It is a customized software that allows you to manage your studio’s administrative tasks while at the same time giving you enough time to dedicate it to your students. It automates the tasks such as registration of the members, scheduling the classes, and keeping track of the payments. This all reduces the hassle of paperwork and entry. It makes managing your studio easier and also helps you save time and money.


Features of the OnMat Martial Arts Management Software

  • Smart Dashboard – The JIBASoft’s martial arts management software has a smart dashboard that gives you a detailed overview of your studio so that you can view all your active members, attrition rate, absentees and much more.
  • Attendance Management – The software helps you track and manage member attendance. You can create attendance reports easily, stating the number and name of students with maximum and minimum attendance.
  • Communication – With the help of this OnMat software you can not only send emails and SMS texts, but also it helps your students stay connected with you through their mobile phones or tablets.
  • Fee Tracking – The directly integrated billing feature in the management software allows you to easily collect fee from the members and keep track of who has not paid you yet as well as failed payments. Also it sends notifications.
  • Rank Promotion – This feature helps you define ranks, notify students about belt tests, promote them and do much more for skill management.
  • Member Portal – This martial arts software has a member portal to communicate with the parents of your students.
  • Social Engagement – When you’re socially engaged with your members, it reduces attrition rate. The well-integrated social media management tools in the software help you in marketing your business in a better way.
  • Amazing Support – A product cannot be called a good one if there is not available any support and maintenance afterwards. The team at JIBASoft provides 24/7 support to help you operate the software hassle-free.

Now when you have a brief idea about why your organization needs martial arts studio software and what are its features, go ahead and opt for one.

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