How Martial Arts Management Software Drives Efficiency with Automation

Manually managing the administrative tasks and financial transactions of martial arts studio have become the thing of the past. Martial arts student management software saves money and time along with preventing costly errors. It also frees up your time so that you can dedicatedly teach your students which would otherwise be wasted on managing other tasks.

Automation can drive efficiency at your martial arts studio, so it is almost a necessity to have a software that provides assistance in business operations. It helps in membership management, billing and payments, financial reporting and analysis and skills management and belt testing. In the recent past, many studios have taken the advantage of martial arts studio software and are enjoying the advantages by increasing both efficiency and profits.

  1. Membership Management – The OnMat martial arts student management software is a powerful and affordable solution for schools of all sizes. The software makes it very easy to track member registration, attendance, expiring memberships, and manage student profiles. It has a membership management portal that allows you to send welcome emails to new students, SMS class schedules to members, or wish birthday to your students. Taking attendance manually is a time-consuming task. You can now keep track of attendance and generate reports using martial arts student management software. This will show you students with maximum and minimum attendance during a particular month. You can also decide what to give to your members as digital awards.Martial Arts Student Management
  2. Billing Management – Our OnMat martial arts studio software will help you to earn profits at the same time. How? Here you go! With integrated billing implemented in this martial arts student management software, you will not have to worry about late or failed payments. The billing software can be used to integrate accounting, customer relationship management (CRM) and other business applications with payment processing. You can also edit the payment items, and even generate financial reports for the year. You will not have to stress about or deal with any billing issues. Having everything related to transactions and memberships in one place is invaluable for studio owners.
  3. Skills and Belt Management – With OnMat’s skills management feature, you can better understand, develop and train your students in accordance to their desired goals. The software identifies skills of each member and helps you build a strategy to make your students achieve his/her goal. Skills management is an continuous process where you must access your members regularly and update their achievements on the membership portal. You can also upload training videos on channels like YouTube or Vimeo so that your members can access them through their portal, from anywhere, anytime.

The OnMat martial arts management software helps you save both time and money in the long run. When you have everything organized at one place, it ensures smooth operation, and allow you to earn higher ROI and stay on top among your competitors.

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